All posts filed under: Academia

Life update number 2: A month into grad school, and a few important takeaways

  Hi! Here I am, writing this post whilst sick. No worries, I’m feeling slightly better, but not yet in perfect working condition. So, I have taken the time to write this little update. And tonight, whilst writing this entry, I realised that it’s been a month since I started graduate school. To use a cliche–time really does fly. And with that realisation, there are other things I have learned, too.

A little life update + current favourites

Hola! Hope you are all doing well. Here I am, a few weeks into graduate school. And to be honest, I felt a bit lost. But here’s the tea–graduate school is a different ballgame from law school. For years, I’ve gotten used to having insults hurled by professors whenever they do not like my answer, or whenever I gave a wrong one. While the professor seemed dissatisfied, he didn’t say anything more and asked the same question to a classmate.

I’m saying goodbye to law school. And it’s okay.

Yes, it actually is, despite the fact that writing this is the one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. For years, I had my game plan–study law with enough passion to make a candle burn; take the Bar after graduation, and (God willing) pass the Bar, take the oath (at one point, I could recite it in my sleep), and sign in the Roll of Attorneys in front of the Bar Confidant. Sounds easy, right? No, not at all! I won’t lie, I failed subjects too, but not without learning the lesson behind it. There were times when I’ve wondered what was the point of the Negotiable Instruments Law, or the law on Partnership–or whether one is solidarily or jointly liable for some unfullfilled obligations. These thoughts, however, were formed during one of my weaker moments.