Hola! Hope you are all doing well.
Here I am, a few weeks into graduate school. And to be honest, I felt a bit lost.
But here’s the tea–graduate school is a different ballgame from law school. For years, I’ve gotten used to having insults hurled by professors whenever they do not like my answer, or whenever I gave a wrong one. While the professor seemed dissatisfied, he didn’t say anything more and asked the same question to a classmate. Don’t get me wrong, graduate school still is hard work. There are still plenty of readings (probably the only thing law school has in common with grad school apart from stress, haha), and soon, paperwork. I’m still adjusting, but hopefully soon, I’ll get into the groove. I’ve just taken tonight to do fun stuff, i.e., blog stuff. 😂 As tomorrow is a holiday, I will be studying on that day instead. A girl needs to relax. I don’t want to do the mistakes I did when I was in law school.
So, I’m going to make a list of a few things that made me happy for the past weeks.
1. Music-I study with music playing in the background. Sometimes I listen to pop tunes when I need to stay awake. If I am tackling readings that I can’t easily understand, classical/choral/instrumental are my go-to music for focus.
After looking through my playlists on Spotify, I decided to pare them down and to delete or remove the ones I stopped listening to. I’ve made three playlists that I’m happy to share–you can follow them too if you like! (Here, here, and here. The last playlist is a workout playlist because I plan to incorporate exercise into my life a little more consistently)
2. Food-If there’s going to be a competition for the Oddest Open-Faced Sandwich Combination, I’d be the winner. What do butter, strawberry jam and cheese have in common? They make a delish sandwich. I know it might gross people out, but you never know until you give it a try.
Procedure: Butter sliced bread both sides (yes, I know, bad cholesterol–but it’s okay if you butter only one side. Not a problem, I swear). Pop it into the oven toaster and let it toast for about one to two minutes. After two minutes, take the buttered toast out of the toaster, and spread the jam of your choice. Plop sliced cheese on the toast with jam, pop it back into the oven toaster, and toast it for forty-five seconds. And what will you have after that? Magic on a slice of bread. It’s heaven, and totally worth a try, I promise.
3. New Favourite YouTuber-Eve Cornwell, where have you been my law school life? I probably wouldn’t have quit. Kidding aside, I stumbled upon her channel when I was looking for effective ways to take down notes…on YouTube. Her video on making lecture notes was the one I stumbled upon. This is the system I am trying out currently–and I hope that it works for me. A caveat though: If you’re a reader from the Philippines and a law student–there’s a huge chance your professor won’t give a lecture–but taking notes is still worth a go. When I take my Labour Law subjects next semester or in my second year, I’ll use this system and I’ll tell you how it has worked for me, and how it can work for you. And yes, I’m in graduate school, but I have two Labour Law subjects in the program’s curriculum.
And that would be it! My mini-update. I will be working out a more regular schedule of posting that won’t cause a conflict with my study schedule! So…see you around.