Author: Layla

Sorry, I just couldn’t shake this off.

Trigger warning: suicide. A few weeks ago, my work friends and I encountered huge traffic on our way home, which was an understatement. We checked in on Waze, to see what was going on. And we found out that someone committed suicide somewhere near where we live. It made me think about a lot of things. First off, about the person who committed suicide. Of course, I don’t know him or her, but I can only imagine how he must have felt like. That he or she is already in a dark place, and of course, the pandemic didn’t make things better. But I uttered a short, silent prayer that God will take care of that person, and make sure that he or she will be okay.

The Life-Changing Magic of Having Everything You Need On Your Desk

I usually prepare my room for a life change every year (well, almost every year). Going back to school, or just plain needing a change, my room’s layout gets revamped. And while I acknowledge that it is very labour intensive and er, dusty, the results are totally worth the muscle pain and allergic rhinitis. Tidying up also involves my desk, and I make sure I have everything I need within reach, so it’ll save me time trying to fumble with drawers and looking for things. Let me take you for a mini-desk tour, where I’ll show you all what’s on my desk. I’ve had this desk since I was in high school. My father bought it from a Japanese surplus store, and it was such a wonderful surprise since he bought us our very own study tables whilst my sister, brother and I was away at camp! However, I’m considering getting a new one as I need something larger that can also make room for a printer. For now, though, I can make do.

Sipping on Something Good: Strawberry Cream Cheese Milk

Studying without eating is unthinkable–in my books, at least. And since there’s food, there has to be some kind of drink, right? To be honest, I’m quite excited about this drink, and how it’s borne out of an experiment and an inspiration. I’ve been drinking a lot of milk teas with different flavours and the one that struck me most was the “cocoa cream cheese” one. But since I have had trouble sleeping lately, caffeinated drinks were out of the question. Inspiration struck. I have strawberry milk powder and strawberry jam.  So I put myself to work. With a bit of whisking, and stirring, and a lot of trial and error, my little drink baby was born: a lovely concoction of cream, strawberry milk powder, strawberry jam and cream cheese. And boy, it tasted so good. 😉