All posts filed under: Life Lately

Quarantine Diaries 2: Attempting to live in the “new normal”.

In which I attempt to make cottage pie that isn’t even a real cottage pie, and an apple tart. Hola amigos and amigas! I’m back. Looks like our cherished dream of going back to normal isn’t going to happen anytime soon. We’re still cooped up inside our homes, trying not to get crazy, trying not to get sick. But hey! We all make our own good times. Yes, cooking now counts as a “good time”. Why not? Who doesn’t like to eat healthy, nutritious tasty food that’s not processed food? Yeah, that’s my family! For the past few weeks, we’ve been donning our imaginary chef’s toque, whipping up dishes we’ve never eaten in a long, long time, or yes, for the first time, even. But more on that, later.

Quarantine Diaries 1: Of COVID-19, quarantine, and other disasters.

Hello! Yes, it’s been ages, and things have been so topsy turvy. The COVID-19 virus is now wreaking havoc, and when I say havoc, I would spell it in capitals. HAVOC. The greater Manila area, as well as the island of Luzon, is on lockdown. Classes (online and onsite) are suspended and save for a skeletal staff, work is also suspended.

Productive Fridays, satisfying car door slams, and much, much more.

  Image credit here   Eurgh. Probably the best way to describe how I feel today is that I’m tired. Bone tired. Today’s been a long day at work. But I’m pretty satisfied about how it turned out. I did three out of five tasks in my to-do list, I managed to study/prepare for my report that’s due after midterms, and I was able to get what I needed. #hellopaydaythankyou I’m actually trying to keep this post a little more serious–at this moment, I’m taking stock of where I am emotionally and mentally. Last year, I was a wreck. This year, medications notwithstanding, I could say that I’m in a better place. Oh yes, there are still days of agitation, stress, and dealing with toxic people, but I was able to cope. Without going into pieces, that is. I now have someone helping me with the minutiae of work, and I get along well with that colleague. Hopefully next year, I will have the confidence to apply for a promotion–and I will close my ears …