All posts filed under: Graduate School

I’m depressed, employed, and I go to grad school: How I (try to) make it work

NB: This blog post waited for a long time to be written. I wanted to see how well I would do in my first semester of graduate school. Admittedly, I expected to fail. But through hard work and loads of perseverance, and with loads of familial support, I did better than I expected. This entry is inspired by a Girlboss article I read over two years ago; it has helped me become a productive employee and student.  I have decided to put my own spin with regard to the aforementioned article, and at the same time, I would still like to integrate it to the things I have learned from it. I also suggest that the reader take the time to read the original article first before reading this one. More than three years ago, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It was, in some odd way, a relief that I had that closure. Since I was a teenager (and probably as far as my childhood), I knew that there was something wrong with me; …

Life update number 2: A month into grad school, and a few important takeaways

  Hi! Here I am, writing this post whilst sick. No worries, I’m feeling slightly better, but not yet in perfect working condition. So, I have taken the time to write this little update. And tonight, whilst writing this entry, I realised that it’s been a month since I started graduate school. To use a cliche–time really does fly. And with that realisation, there are other things I have learned, too.

A little life update + current favourites

Hola! Hope you are all doing well. Here I am, a few weeks into graduate school. And to be honest, I felt a bit lost. But here’s the tea–graduate school is a different ballgame from law school. For years, I’ve gotten used to having insults hurled by professors whenever they do not like my answer, or whenever I gave a wrong one. While the professor seemed dissatisfied, he didn’t say anything more and asked the same question to a classmate.